Environmental and Socio-Cultural Dysfunctions Generated by Mass Tourism: The Case of Mazuria Lakes – Poland
The paper discusses the correlations between different types of tourists and, so called, tourism functions and dysfunctions. The research was done in Masuria Lakes (the area of great natural interest, with very limited tourism capacity). Masuria was the candi-date of Poland for new seven world wonders; however, it never had a status of land-scape protected area. It gives for the research more possibilities to look at “natural” activities, not limited by the law regulations. The unique natural values and relatively short distance from tourism source areas have led to crossing tourism capacity limits. Furthermore the types of tourism present in this region (sailing, motorboats, lake camping, angling, team building, second houses etc.) are mutually exclusive. In case of high tourism intensity conflicts become unavoidable. Spontaneous, uncontrolled tour-ism development, lack of legal restrictions or obligatory fees for cleaning – all that has led to tourism dysfunctions on large scale.
- Książki, rozdziały [119]
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