Młodzi Polacy wobec rynku pracy, bezrobocia i kryzysu współczesnej demokracji: rozważania w kontekście ruchu oburzonych i ruchu anty-ACTA
The text addresses problems of young people in the context of changes occurring in the twenty-first century wi th a great emphasis put on the growing economic crisis. It shows youth as a social category and a unique potential for revolt. In case of Poland, the sources of this revolt are, onthe one hand, successful socialization processes of young generation to values and ideas that legitimize the new social order (the idea of freedom, democracy, consumerism). On the other hand, there are the structurally blocked opportunities of transition from adolescence to adulthood (as resulting from the logic of Polish transformation, demographic factors and economic stagnation). Thus, in order to show youth as an emerging problem and political power, an analysis of two spheres is important: firstly -the world of values, aspirations and life desires of young people, and secondly - the problems they face (from education through labour market and achieving life independence to self-independence in the public sphere and starting a family). Final conclusions suggest attentive observation of the youth's problems and behaviour which always play the role as early warning system.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]