Przejawy agresywności współczesnej młodzieży i ich uwarunkowania rodzinne
The paper presents the results of research on family determinants of aggressive behaviours
of the youth. The analysis included, among others, the adequacy of aggressive behaviours
showed by the youth, the intensity of its hostility and the control over manifested
aggressive reactions. The authors searched for the relations between manifestations of
aggressiveness of the youth and the way they perceive parental attitudes. The study used
the Scale of Parental Attitudes developed by M. Plopa (1987) and a modified version
of the Questionnaire for Examining the Level of Aggressiveness by D. Wójcik (1977). It
involved 80 adolescents (40 girls and 40 boys) between the age of 17 and 18.
As a result of the conducted research the authors concluded, among others, that there
are significant differences of relations between parental attitudes perceived by adolescents
and manifestations of their aggressiveness which depend on the sex of an adolescent and
the sex of a parent.
- Artykuły naukowe [444]