Nauki Społeczne: Recent submissions
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Virtual reality immersive environments for motor and cognitive training of elderly people - a scoping review
(2021)The contemporary development of immersive virtual reality interfaces holds untapped potential for the rehabilitation and motor-cognitive training of older adults. Despite the parallel development of gamification methods ... -
Measurement invariance and Polish norms for the Perth Empathy Scale (PES)
(2024)Introduction: Originally developed in English, the Perth Empathy Scale (PES) is a 20-item self-report measure of empathy, designed to assess cognitive empathy and affective empathy across both negative and positive emotions. ... -
The Effects of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy on Quality of Life: The Importance of Research on Youth
(MDPI, 2024-01-04)Gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) plays a significant role in the medical care of transgender individuals, helping to align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. While numerous studies have ... -
The Climate Change Worry Scale (CCWS) and Its Links with Demographics and Mental Health Outcomes in a Polish Sample
(MDPI, 2024)Developing valid and reliable measures of psychological responses to climate change is of high importance, as this facilitates our understanding of people’s psychological responses, including their pro-environmental behavior. ... -
Psychological Characteristics of Students with Passion for Studying
(MDPI, 2024-05-28)Passion for studying can be considered a significant factor that promotes well-being and mental health in students. This study aimed to examine whether the psychological characteristics of students with a passion for ... -
Attachment to Pets and Love for People – is There a Connection?
(2024)Objective. The study is aimed at investigating the relationship between attachment to pets and pro-social personality characteristics – environmental identity, moral motives, and ecological lifestyle. Background. Attachment ... -
How Are Different Perfectionism Traits Related to Mental Health in Students?
(MDPI, 2024)Multidimensional models of perfectionism postulate the existence of various perfectionism traits, with different effects on mental health. In order to suggest parsimonious targets in psychological interventions for university ... -
Enabling brief assessments of alexithymia: psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire-Short Form (PAQ-S) and its correlates with ill-being and well-being
(Springer, 2024)Alexithymia is a trait involving deficits in emotion processing. As an important risk factor for a wide range of psychopathologies, its assessment is important in both research and clinical practice. Originally developed ... -
The Polish version of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire-Short Form (PAQ-S): psychometric properties and norms
(Via Medica, 2024)Alexithymia is a trait involving difficulties identifying feelings, difficulties describing feelings, and an externally orientated thinking style. It is an important risk factor for a range of psychopathologies, and its ... -
Cross-cultural comparison of sports anxiety among Indian and Polish sports players in a post-COVID world: a pilot study
(2024)Background. There is a need for cross-cultural research on the relationship between competitive anxiety, BMI, and sports training frequency in athletes. Especially in a post-COVID-19 world, adverse changes associated with ... -
Assessing emotion beliefs with the Polish version of the Emotion Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ): psychometric properties, norms, and links with emotional reactivity and psychopathology
(Springer, 2023)Originally developed in English, the Emotion Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ) is a self-report measure of beliefs about the controllability and usefulness of negative and positive emotions. In this study, we introduce the Polish ... -
Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the Mindful Self-Care Scale-Standard
(2023)Objectives The Mindful Self-Care Scale-Standard (MSCS-Standard) is a 33-item self-report questionnaire that assesses mindfulness practices in six self-care domains: (1) physical care, (2) mindful relaxation, (3) supportive ... -
Anxiety and depression screening among Polish adults in 2023: Depression levels are higher than in cancer patients
(2023)Introduction: This study presents a brief report on the psychometrics of the WHO-Five Well-being Index (WHO-5) and a screening assessment of probable anxiety and depression disorders in a general community sample of Poles. ... -
Skauting i harcerstwo a idea międzykulturowości i edukacji w warunkach zróżnicowania kulturowego
(2023)Ruch skautowy i harcerski charakteryzuje możliwość spotkania i współpracy osób wywodzących się z różnych środowisk i kultur. Naturalną rzeczą jest w nim codzienna konfrontacja z Innością/Obcością w warunkach zróżnicowania ... -
The Perth Empathy Scale: Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version and Its Mental Health Correlates
(2023)The Perth Empathy Scale (PES) is a 20-item self-report questionnaire that assesses people’s ability to recognize emotions in others (i.e., cognitive empathy) and vicariously experience other’s emotions (i.e., affective ... -
Multiple Passions and Psychosomatic Health
(MDPI, 2023)People are often passionate about different activities in their lives. This study examined the role of multiple passions in psychosomatic health (i.e., subjective vitality and somatic symptoms) using variable-centered and ...