Sekret katedry. O trzech lirykach Joanny Pollakówny
Much thought in Joanna Pollakówna’s works is given to art. In her literary (poetry) and paraliterary (essay) expressions art reflects the author’s attitude to architecture. In her works Pollakówna given less attention to art than paintings with more architectural refer ences made in essays rather than in poetry. Her poems comprise but three compositions containing references to this field of art, each time to sacral architecture (Anioły oliwskie, Katedra, Aspekty). Already the titles themselves signalize transition from perceiving, mainly “experiencing”, the cathedral as a temple (Katedra) to а specific building (Anioły oliwskie), from reflection upon it as a whole (Katedra) to details (Anioły oliwskie) in order to show its complexity (Aspekty). The visions of the cathedral in Pollakówna’s poetry are not limited to recording images caught by an eye. In the author’s mind, the cathedral seems to be, above all, an unusual, sa crum-marked element of space which, like lens, brings together beauty, mystery, testimony of Cods creation and human abilities.
- Książki, rozdziały [975]