Kartezjańska metafizyka jako filozofia fizyki
The aim ofthe paper is to present and stress the role ofCartesian metaphysics in establishing the bases of modem physics. It is usually undervalued, that the originality ofCartesian idea rests on the fact that the French philosopher approaches metaphysics not traditionally, as a theory ofreality, but as a theory referring to the bases of physics, being in fact the theory ofreality itself. In this perspective, such basic metaphysical issues as the problem of God or soul receive completely untraditional sense. In Cartesian system God is necessary not as a base ofreality but as a guarrantor oftruthfulness ofour geometric, mechanistic knowledge ofthe world. The soul, however, ifit indeed is a serious issue here, it is certainly not because ofits immortality or substantial separation from the body but only as mind which is a place offormation ofthe abovementioned picture ofreality. Definitely, however, more important issue for the philosophy ofphysics is the problem ofGod and God’s veracity. Referring the theological argument while searching for bases of veracity of physical recognition Descartes created not as much a positive metaphysical idea asthe rather gave an expression ofhis deep doubts in the question ofcertitude and veracity ofphysics, doubts which couldnot be cancelled by modem physics. At least this look at his philosophy seems to be at least more interesting from today’s point of view.
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