Konflikty wewnętrzne w żydowskich gminach wyznaniowych w II Rzeczypospolitej
Contrary to popular opinions, inside more than 800 Jewish religious communities operating in the interwar Poland (1918-1939) there were strong arguments
and conflicts between the clerical and bureaucratic structures, political parties and
groups of influence in the particular communities. At the bottom of the typology
there are different reasons: social, political, cultural, economic and organizational.
It should also be n o ted th at the proposed division is contractual. In the case
of complex structures such as religious communities it is difficult to talk about
a conflict / conflicts that would occur in a “pure” form. Mutual penetration and
completion in most o f them (or even in all of the above mentioned groups of con
flicts) was a rule. Almost always, even if an incident causing controversy was based
on one premiss, there were new incidents which further complicated and intricate
reality. At the source of this state there were not only complicated historical and
cultural conditions inherently assigned to the functioning of the Jewish commu
nity in the Diaspora, but also those resulting from the new geopolitical reality and
the political system with which we dealt in Poland reborn after World War I. Mind
ful of conventionality o f conflicting situations occurring within the Jewish religious communities they can be divided into political, social, religious and cultural,
economic and organizational ones.
- Książki, rozdziały [975]