Brda w językowym obrazie świata młodzieży bydgoskiej
The present paper makes an attempt at the reconstruction of the picture of the Brda River in the language spoken by the youth from Bydgoszcz. The image of the river, along with the means of evaluating it, recorded in the authentic speech acts of the young residents of Bydgoszcz is created at the background of data contained in the system of the language and the names of cultural objects formed with the use of the word Brda. The analyses demonstrate that in the colloquial context, the lexical-semantic field of Brda becomes significantly enlarged, by, among others, the elements that are unimportant from the point of view of understanding the meaning of the word. The colloquial picture of the Brda River is created by a number of different semantic categories, and the objective character of the presentation in the dictionary is enriched by subjective, clearly ambiwalent means of evaluation of the river by the youth of Bydgoszcz.
- Artykuły naukowe [370]